February 12, 2005

Chiefly Seattle

Part two of my American rendezvous involved 2 weeks of Seattle splendour. Hello again Picasa. Thanks for helping me out with the pictures. Posted by Hello

Mmmm... donuts. Is there anything they can't do?

Friendly skies.
The weather was very kind on me. Out of the 2 weeks that I was there, I believe it only rained once (almost disappointing). Thank you God.

To market to market... to get a fresh catch, piping-hot bread and gorgeous trinkets.

Caution, penguin crossing.
I went to Archie McPhee's and made a new friend.

Pure indulgence.
These things happen only once every 2 years - Mac & Cheese, Meatloaf and Krispy Kreme donuts.

International House of Peace. United Nations? What the world needs now is pancakes. Note: It's not out-of-focus. I was being philosophical with this shot.

Hipsterville. Out here, the kids are cooler. They certainly look and talk the part.

I won't hide the fact that I'm in love with the city. Everything was gorgeous right to the end - even with the robbery and bad 1-week cold ordeal. And I miss the fabulous company I had when I was there, including the crack-addict who was generous enough to share his stories.

To fully capture the beauty of it all, I'll probably need to write a screenplay...

Sleepless for Seattle.