February 10, 2005

Testing waters

I stepped out of the house this evening for an ice-cream date I'd almost forgotten. Attempts to cancel it earlier today were foiled when Eric offered to come to my neighbourhood. So I thought, it wouldn't hurt to come out and talk to someone face-to-face for a change.

Waited for a bit for him to arrive. When he finally did, as much as I hated tardiness, there was no way to be mad.

Him: Whoa whoa whoa! Looks I got here just in time to save your shorts from falling off.

At this point in time, I looked down and realised I was wearing my low-waisted cargo shorts which so badly wanted to kiss the ground.

Me: Heh. Next, you're going to thank me for saving you the effort of trying to take them off.
Him: No. I was going to apologise for being late. Sorry.

Cute. Not fair.

True to his word, the evening was very relaxed. We got him a sundae (and Evian for me) from McDonald's and walked around the 'park' in front of my flat. I hadn't seen Eric much since we met 2 years ago - and I can't for the life of me remember how and when we arranged to meet today. And I surprised myself by how much fun I had with him, talking about nothing in particular.

When he saw me off at the elevator, we hugged goodbye and as I turned away, I felt his hand linger on the small of my back - which sent a totally different set of feelings rushing to my head.

As I settled back into my comfort zone, I made a silent wish for all other dates to be this comfortale.


"When can I see you again?"

P.S. I like that he doesn't text message like vowels are $5 million on the black market.