February 07, 2005

Work it, sista!

To keep me in the pink of health (steady supply of sneakers, bounty of books, dozens of DVDs, tons of toys and tunes et al), I earn my keep as a copywriter. Every morning, I stumble into the office with half-baked ideas and spend the rest of the day writing, debating, sexing them up proper. And don't leave until carpal tunnel syndrome kicks in - usually no earlier than 8pm.

I've been a workaholic for as long as I can remember. Juggling an internship and full-time studies at 18, I spent no more than 4 hours a day on sleep. That was the time when I picked up smoking as a means of calming my nerves and keeping me awake.

Bad habits followed me through to my work life. And the record for my longest 'shift' stands at 31 hours - when we were producing a dining privileges catalogue in the summer of '03.

I've since slowed down. Thanks in part to a long year of hormone therapy for my kidneys. But mostly because I realised that work + after-work drinks + more work + chain smoking does not equal a life.

When I dived back into work after a 3-week holiday in the States 3 weeks ago, I was literally buried in briefs. As if the volume of work wasn't bad enough, they had to smack us with explosives masquerading as jobs - I still have nightmares about the death of my career if the campaign is not a success.

Day after day, I spent every waking hour thinking about and writing ads for soya milk, credit cards and what-have-yous. Headlines and taglines crept into my dreams. And I felt like my life was one long, bad TV commercial.

This week off work was very much needed. And I'd been looking forward to it with much glee - constantly stopping myself from going squee over it.

But now that I've got all this time in my hand, I feel a certain restlessness. I've been going from website to website, proofreading chunks of text and sending site owners emails detailing typos et al. And holy wow! Never have I felt a greater need to write about the mundane.

Which explains why this is here. Heh.