March 05, 2005

An Introduction to My Secret Life

I have been playing Kingdom of Loathing since June last year. Nintendo passion for Mario and Warcraft binges aside, this has culminated in my serious level of geekness yet. Not only am I leader of a clan, I also moderate chat on the game. Which sounds ridiculous, it's not even funny! Posted by Hello

It might be hard to believe but prior to this, I was never big on the chatroom scene. Not that I recall anyway. And being thrown into a pit of emo teenagers and serious game fanatics has been a rather strange experience so far. But it's all good.

To liven things up, I hold a contest of Randomness in the Games channel - where I issue questions like "You've just twirled in your puffy power-blue skirt. What's the occasion?" and "What would you rather be - a fork, spoon or chopsticks?"

And the answers I've received from people have been amusing, shocking and just plain heart-warming.

Like this reply to the fork/spoon query: "Chopsticks. So I can still play with my girlfriend's hair."

(It's nice to see that romantic sentiments aren't dead.)

To everyone who's made my time in chat hell or plain lovely, I've got to say this. Thank you so very much for the eye-opener.