May 09, 2005

Crazy cat lady

flea: do you wanna try scrabble again, or are you kind of "meh" on that right now
me: sure
flea: you start this time
me: but i can't respond now
flea: whenever you feel like it
me: keedokee
flea: i'm playing a video game right now anyway
me: why dont you start?
flea: nah.
flea: lazy
me: ok
flea: :p
me: later then
me: :D
flea: actually, about to shut down my computer for the night
flea: just waiting for you to call, as it were.
flea: ;)
me: oh
me: hang on
me: riiiing ring
me: riiiiiing ring
flea: (breathless gasping)
flea: hello?
flea: ahem...
flea: i mean
me: (scream)
flea: (deep voice)
flea: hello?
me: luke
me: i am your father
flea: NOOOO
flea: NOOO IT'S NOT TRUE!!!!
me: would you like fries with that?
flea: and yes, yes i would
me: ok
flea: mmm fries,,,
me: your order will be there in 45 mins
flea: heh
me: do or do not, there is no try
me: (click)
flea: what? there is no fry?
flea: she LIED! she LIED to us!
me: riiiiiing ring
me: riiiiiiiiiing ring
flea: uh...
flea: hello?
me: hello i am the woman from across the road
me: the cat lady
me: can you please shut up?
me: (click)
flea: well, yeah? well...
flea: uh./..
flea: ha!
flea: that's what i shoulda said!