March 31, 2005

In the bedroom

So I got a haircut, did some frightfully girlie things and thought I'd take some photos. Posted by Hello

There's a really keen story about those beans.
Are they magical? Maybe.

March 29, 2005

Maps are sexy

And the ones on Google are the sexxx.

The continued adventures of spam

More crazy names from those crazy marketing people: Oxbows J. Gonorrhoea and Proscription S. Retards.

And you expect me to take your emails seriously?

March 26, 2005

I'd miss you even if we never met.

It's true. We likes the cheese.

March 23, 2005

Scrumptious Spam

All week long, I've been receiving junk mail from crazily-named individuals: Ambiance L. Pituitary, Murat E. Concurrency and my fave, Gasser C. Retrenchment.

5 minutes ago, I got one from Evasively C. Ghastliness, selling me pharmaceutical things. Because the name was just kooky, I actually read the rest of the words below the ghastly starbusts et al.

And these are the pearls of wisdom I picked up.

“The best buy is a telephone call to the right man.”


“Children and drunks always speak the truth.”

Must remember to hang out with them more.

And finally, “To succeed in the world it is not enough to be stupid, you must also be well-mannered.”

Damn. What am I doing trying to be smrt?

With gems like these, who needs Viagra?

Norain is dead

That's what Jared says, anyway.

Silly boy. He confused my name with another friend's while naming the file. But Nadine is a kickass name don't you think? Deed poll anyone?

March 22, 2005


March 21, 2005

Losing track of time

So today, Norain learns that this coming Friday is a holiday.

"What's the occasion?", she asks.
"Good Friday!" Karen replies.
"Mmmm... that's good news indeed."

The moral of the story is that Norain has been very absent-minded of late. Especially where time is concerned.

This might have something to do with the fact that she hasn't worn any watches since early January. Due to the little problem called "Batteries Need Replacing" Syndrome.

It could also be that her mind is filled with something else altogether. Gorgeous, lovely thoughts.

Memo to Norain: Everything is still good.

March 16, 2005

My face on your crotch?

Or perhaps you want my lips on your chest? Get me in bed, even? Well now you can!

This rocks on so many levels. Now go buy something and help feed my artist friend.

P.S. That portrait was inspired by the snake scarves I've been known to knit, modelled here by my Jools.

March 13, 2005

Another bout of Randomness...

"You crack open a peanut and find nothing. Where have they gone?"

Sean Man: They went to the funeral at the factory for thier son, goober, who is now a buttered form.

Master_Pot: just another victim of bigger packaging and smaller product

You were one of the original Beatles. What's your name and what scandal would eventually cause your departure from the band?

bluespacething: Tom Lufkin, Fist fight with Ringo about his horrible drumming

KoL Starrr and I would leave because Paul McCartney's dad found out that I was with his mom and he tried to kill me. I fled to Mexico to drink tequila.

March 12, 2005

Memo to Norain

"Everything is good."

March 09, 2005

So I was minding my own business at work...

when I looked up and found Stanley, the freelancer offering me a donut.

"It's alright. I'm good."

"You sure? It's Krispy Kreme."

"Krispy Kreme, you say? That changes everything."

Turns out the ex-resident pretty boy of the office, Ray, just returned from an Australian jaunt. And brought with him a box of delectable donuts.

And the power of KK is enough to make me forget about my fever. Whee!

March 07, 2005

Aural pleasure

I'm about to leave for more mixing at the house of Jerry, who's been a superb audio engineer so far - funny and fast.

On the subject of music, one of the things that boggle my mind is song meanings. Seemingly tragic numbers, like ones by The Cure send my spirits soaring while uplifting tunes push me into a downward spiral. I spend a fair bit of time analysing lyrics, melodies, instrumentation and why they make me feel what I do.

I keep private journals of my thoughts, dreams and life. And some of the chapters include portraits of songs. I put a song on repeat and paint a picture of what comes through my head as it plays. One of my favourite pieces is based on Craig Armstrong's "This Love" (with Elizabeth Fraser on vocals) - a chaos of stairs on a lined notebook. Of course a picture would be good here. Someday, maybe.

Here's one I've been chewing on lately. "If I find my way, how much will I find?"


Back from Jerry's studio and one of the pieces we were working on sounded amiss. We tried undressing the track and messed it up a fair bit before reverting to what it was. Remedy came in the form of delaying one of the punches a wee bit. Minor change but it made all the difference.

I like how music doesn't operate on rights, wrongs or a formulae.

It's just a feeling.

March 06, 2005

Chat Pane Classics #124

As mentioned before, I run a contest of Randomness in chat. Here are some amusing responses I've received to my questions.

You've got a hump. What do you carry in it for sustenance?

Anushka (private): When I've gotta hump, I carry lots and lots of lube

You've just invented a language. Tell me one of your words, what it means and how to use it.

Dannyalcatraz (private): "Boobie" it means breast, but that is just an astronomical coincidence

March 05, 2005

An Introduction to My Secret Life

I have been playing Kingdom of Loathing since June last year. Nintendo passion for Mario and Warcraft binges aside, this has culminated in my serious level of geekness yet. Not only am I leader of a clan, I also moderate chat on the game. Which sounds ridiculous, it's not even funny! Posted by Hello

It might be hard to believe but prior to this, I was never big on the chatroom scene. Not that I recall anyway. And being thrown into a pit of emo teenagers and serious game fanatics has been a rather strange experience so far. But it's all good.

To liven things up, I hold a contest of Randomness in the Games channel - where I issue questions like "You've just twirled in your puffy power-blue skirt. What's the occasion?" and "What would you rather be - a fork, spoon or chopsticks?"

And the answers I've received from people have been amusing, shocking and just plain heart-warming.

Like this reply to the fork/spoon query: "Chopsticks. So I can still play with my girlfriend's hair."

(It's nice to see that romantic sentiments aren't dead.)

To everyone who's made my time in chat hell or plain lovely, I've got to say this. Thank you so very much for the eye-opener.

March 04, 2005

Chat Pane Classics #42

somekid: Can anyone tell me what masturbate means? someone just sent me it in a message, thanks!
somedude: well, masturbate means when a daddy loves a mommy, but mommy wants no part of daddy, daddy "excuses" himself to the bathroom for 10 minutes. Supposedly to shave his palms.

March 02, 2005

Email Banter #45

>Hi everyone,
>As part of my effort to move to as many ad agencies before I reach 45, I am pleased to announce my next move.

>From 9th March, I will be at XXXXXX.

>My email address will be

>So, please don't be shy to inform me of other vacancies in other agencies. Timing is running out

You're not 45 yet?

Later on ...


Now, now. Don't be harsh on yourself. :)