August 11, 2005

How does it feel?

I was asked if I felt 25 after my recent birthday. And I answered it as honestly as I could. It doesn't feel any different. And how is a 25-year-old supposed to feel? I didn't find out until today.

It's strange. I'm filling out a survey and I no longer check the "Under 25" belt for my age. Now I'm a 25-30. And before I know it, I'll be moving to "30-40". Then horrors, "Above 45"!

As much as I'm glad to be getting older, hopefully wiser, being 25 will take some getting used to after all.

On other news, my nails haven't been clean since I got back to work. They're doing some renovation work here and there's dust everywhere!

Oh, wherever you are and whatever you're doing, I hope you're safe and well.