April 17, 2006

Mix it

I've only been the recipient of mix tapes on 3 separate occasions. One was mailed to me from my old pal, Danny, back in the days when he was still studying in Portsmouth. It had some awesome songs, a mix of Brit tunes and some Asian titles that he enjoyed then. That was prolly the most diverse mix tape I'd ever seen.

The second tape was from an old lover. It was made up of the titles that defined our relationship, ballads of longing and hope. Some of the classics include our song, Carly Simon's Coming Around Again.

This morning, I woke up to a mix CD from Pen. I spent the next 3 hours downloading the songs and have only made it through to the 5th song. But it's a lovely trip.

Thank you, you.

March 29, 2006


Once upon a time I kissed constellations on your back while inside your body. You were swollen like a river, like thunder coming over a floodplain. Your desire was so urgent you became desire. And I came to comfort you in your passion.

March 25, 2006

Where I've Been

January 26 - Left for Christchurch for what would be a life-changing 16 days.
February 11 - Returned home. Meltdown will occur over the next week. Negotiated sabbatical time with the office. Told I could take as much time as I want, almost immediately.
February 27 - Left for Sydney.
February 28 - The start of 22 days of summer down under. Thanks Tim for giving me a home while I'm there.
March 21 - Back in Singapore.

Over the last couple of days, I've had some good hours of rest and relaxation. And good chats with the parental. We finally came to agreement on certain issues and I managed to reopen the taboo that is her purchasing a house in Malaysia. She did it.

What's going to happen now? I'm operating on limited funds, having a couple of financial obligations in hand.

Before I left Sydney, I contemplated returning to work on March 27. I doubt that'll happen. I will most probably push that back by a week. There are a few things I still need to reorganise while I still have the time and opportunity.

So how have you been?

January 16, 2006


B: in my dream last night: we made out
B: i get more action from you, lady
N: We have got to stop meeting like that!

December 07, 2005


So I stepped out of the apartment this morning, a little dazed and confused as usual. Step. Step. Step. It's routine, right? But this time, it felt like I had walked through carpet, a thicker step than normal. Thought nothing of it but looked back and saw a pile of ick on the floor.


Went back into the house to wash my shoes. And I caught my 13-year-old brother just as I stepped out of the bathroom.

Me: Hey, be careful when you step out. There's a pile of crap there.
Adil: Yeah, I know.
Me: (Long pause) Then why didn't you warn me?
Adil: You didn't ask.


December 02, 2005

Ooh la la!

B: i dreamed about you
B: and we totally made out!
Me: For real?
B: aye!
Me: Was it hot?
B: it was pretty good. i woke up in the middle of it though

Hmm. Or should that be Mmmm?

October 02, 2005

News in the family

My mom broke the news that my elder sister, Lin, is 6 weeks pregnant. My nieces, who are here to play for the day, seem to be pretty happy about it.

The younger one, Firzanah asked if I knew anything, eager to tell.

I played along and feigned ignorance.

Then she whispered in my ear that mommy has a baby, squeeing and beaming like girls do.

"So when's your turn?" she asks.

I whispered in her ear. "You'll be the first to know, sweetie."

September 27, 2005

The surgery

It is confirmed. I have to reschedule. Shit.